I enjoy Christmas, it gets me a few days off work, and some space to breathe. This year Christmas falls on the weekend, so it works out to a four day weekend, awesome :)
I've been in Sechelt since Friday evening, it's now Monday and I'm heading home late morning to get a run in, and maybe go Van shopping tomorrow. (Yes shopping for a Minivan...strange but true..)
The weekend was awesome, this holiday is less about the presents and more about the family now. My favorite gifts this year, were a Marino Wool sweater and a Nathan fuel belt. The best thing though was hanging out with the little dude, Lil Peter is 20 lbs now, getting super tall and strong at less than 8 months old, he's growing just like we'd expect him to.
I've also been reading a blog all weekend, I've been going through it post by post, it's called 65redroses written about a woman named Eva who lived with Cf her whole life. She was an inspiring woman, I wish I'd found her while she was writing it, I catch myself thinking May 3rd 2007... I was riding on the course for the BMO marathon for the bike team, and planning to run a 10k the following weekend, all while she was in the hospital gasping for air... It makes me feel privileged to be able to be as active as I can.
Here is the link to her blog, have a read, I'm up to May 2007 (I'm reading slow because my brain is running that way lately)
To follow her theme...
Location: Parents house
Mood: mellow, easy
Music: Harp chords, sounds like Fiona Apple (in my head...kind of repetitive..need some real music soon)
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